Monday, March 28, 2011

There is nothing a drink can't fix

I'm pretty sure my job is turning me into an alcoholic. It is not even 5 pm on a Monday afternoon and I've needed a strong drink since 9:45 this morning when I ended a particularly difficult call. You know it's getting bad when you kill half a bottle of wine a night, order a cocktail (or five) at every occasion, and consider carrying a flask of tequila in your purse just to make it through the day. I mean damn gina! A sista is struggling. It's getting to the point where I watch Intervention on A&E and totally sympathize with the addicts. I once found myself sitting in front of the t.v. sobbing along with "Alyson" a once promising young White House intern and all around smarty pants turned crack head, though to be fair she dabbled with morphine and heroin too. I remember thinking to myself how completely feasible it is that someone with such a bright future would turn to that crack rock to cope with their life. It is rough on the streets of D.C. I guess that would explain why there are more liquor stores then delis in my beloved Capitol. This is the place after all where the majority of adults my age are barely breaking 30,000 a year while working insane hours for an extremely stressful job trying to pay for a cost a living none of us can afford. I should say before my parents fly to D.C. all alarmed that I'm spending the majority of my time passed out drunk and depressed in my bed, I'm kidding...about the "Alyson" story at least. As Whitney famously said "crack is whack" but I'm legit shopping for flasks online right now and I'm feeling this one cause I likes to keep it classy Some One Please Buy Me This Flask...PLEASE. Don't you judge me!

How many of you out there can sympathize? A job, co-worker, relationship, teacher, criminal law class or repeating situation that just causes you to need to pull over at the nearest liquor store and grab desperately for a bottle of anything, as long as there is booze in it. Is it so wrong to feel positively giddy when you pull off the cork of a 2008 reserve chardonnay? No of course it isn't. So go ahead...embrace your inner alchie and have a drink or five with me tonight. I know I haven't blogged for a while but I do hope you will forgive me and jump back on board. Tonight I am not cooking a thing because I'm going out to dinner with my beloved Roomie and a really amazing guy friend of ours David Croom. We're going to Eatonville on U St in D.C. and from the looks of the menu I'll be licking my plate clean and partaking in libations. It's been an extremely rough day. The kind that sucks so much you have to laugh to keep from choking someone out. But honestly that's pretty much every day for me...JOY! Instead of a recipe for dinner I'm going to give you a recipe for one of my absolute favorite drinks The Hurricane. I fell in love with this nectar of the gods the same moment I feel in love with New Orleans. I vividly remember the first time I encountered The Hurricane. I was sitting in Pat O'Brien's in the French Quarter in August of 2010 lovin life with my Cuzzy.

This drink is AMAZING and if you've never had one you're missing out. I make this when chardonnay just won't cut it and I need two different kinds of rum to set myself straight. This super simple recipe calls for

- 2 oz light rum
- 2 oz dark rum
- 2 oz passion fruit juice
- 1 oz orange juice
- 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
- 1 tbsp simple syrup
- 1 tbsp grenadine
- Garnish: orange slice and cherry

For the passion fruit juice I like to use Welch's Passion Fruit juice which you can find in the same aisle you'd find like Minute Maid Fruit Punch. That way you can avoid making simple syrup. You won't need it with this juice. Pour all of the ingredients in a cocktail shaker, shake it up and drink on honey. 

If it's been a Hiroshima circa August 6th, 1945 during WWII rough a warm bath, put on the new Adele cd, and drink this puppy in the tub. After all Ernest Hemingway once said "Drinking is a way of ending the day." Cheers!